
Internal scc patchset buffer for QBE
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ssa.c (7865B)

      1 #include "all.h"
      2 #include <stdarg.h>
      4 static void
      5 adduse(Tmp *tmp, int ty, Blk *b, ...)
      6 {
      7 	Use *u;
      8 	int n;
      9 	va_list ap;
     11 	if (!tmp->use)
     12 		return;
     13 	va_start(ap, b);
     14 	n = tmp->nuse;
     15 	vgrow(&tmp->use, ++tmp->nuse);
     16 	u = &tmp->use[n];
     17 	u->type = ty;
     18 	u->bid = b->id;
     19 	switch (ty) {
     20 	case UPhi:
     21 		u->u.phi = va_arg(ap, Phi *);
     22 		break;
     23 	case UIns:
     24 		u->u.ins = va_arg(ap, Ins *);
     25 		break;
     26 	case UJmp:
     27 		break;
     28 	default:
     29 		die("unreachable");
     30 	}
     31 	va_end(ap);
     32 }
     34 /* fill usage, width, phi, and class information
     35  * must not change .visit fields
     36  */
     37 void
     38 filluse(Fn *fn)
     39 {
     40 	Blk *b;
     41 	Phi *p;
     42 	Ins *i;
     43 	int m, t, tp, w;
     44 	uint a;
     45 	Tmp *tmp;
     47 	/* todo, is this the correct file? */
     48 	tmp = fn->tmp;
     49 	for (t=Tmp0; t<fn->ntmp; t++) {
     50 		tmp[t].def = 0;
     51 		tmp[t].bid = -1u;
     52 		tmp[t].ndef = 0;
     53 		tmp[t].nuse = 0;
     54 		tmp[t].cls = 0;
     55 		tmp[t].phi = 0;
     56 		tmp[t].width = WFull;
     57 		if (tmp[t].use == 0)
     58 			tmp[t].use = vnew(0, sizeof(Use), PFn);
     59 	}
     60 	for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) {
     61 		for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) {
     62 			assert(rtype(p->to) == RTmp);
     63 			tp = p->to.val;
     64 			tmp[tp].bid = b->id;
     65 			tmp[tp].ndef++;
     66 			tmp[tp].cls = p->cls;
     67 			tp = phicls(tp, fn->tmp);
     68 			for (a=0; a<p->narg; a++)
     69 				if (rtype(p->arg[a]) == RTmp) {
     70 					t = p->arg[a].val;
     71 					adduse(&tmp[t], UPhi, b, p);
     72 					t = phicls(t, fn->tmp);
     73 					if (t != tp)
     74 						tmp[t].phi = tp;
     75 				}
     76 		}
     77 		for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) {
     78 			if (!req(i->to, R)) {
     79 				assert(rtype(i->to) == RTmp);
     80 				w = WFull;
     81 				if (isparbh(i->op))
     82 					w = Wsb + (i->op - Oparsb);
     83 				if (isload(i->op) && i->op != Oload)
     84 					w = Wsb + (i->op - Oloadsb);
     85 				if (isext(i->op))
     86 					w = Wsb + (i->op - Oextsb);
     87 				if (w == Wsw || w == Wuw)
     88 				if (i->cls == Kw)
     89 					w = WFull;
     90 				t = i->to.val;
     91 				tmp[t].width = w;
     92 				tmp[t].def = i;
     93 				tmp[t].bid = b->id;
     94 				tmp[t].ndef++;
     95 				tmp[t].cls = i->cls;
     96 			}
     97 			for (m=0; m<2; m++)
     98 				if (rtype(i->arg[m]) == RTmp) {
     99 					t = i->arg[m].val;
    100 					adduse(&tmp[t], UIns, b, i);
    101 				}
    102 		}
    103 		if (rtype(b->jmp.arg) == RTmp)
    104 			adduse(&tmp[b->jmp.arg.val], UJmp, b);
    105 	}
    106 }
    108 static Ref
    109 refindex(int t, Fn *fn)
    110 {
    111 	return newtmp(fn->tmp[t].name, fn->tmp[t].cls, fn);
    112 }
    114 static void
    115 phiins(Fn *fn)
    116 {
    117 	BSet u[1], defs[1];
    118 	Blk *a, *b, **blist, **be, **bp;
    119 	Ins *i;
    120 	Phi *p;
    121 	Use *use;
    122 	Ref r;
    123 	int t, nt, ok;
    124 	uint n, defb;
    125 	short k;
    127 	bsinit(u, fn->nblk);
    128 	bsinit(defs, fn->nblk);
    129 	blist = emalloc(fn->nblk * sizeof blist[0]);
    130 	be = &blist[fn->nblk];
    131 	nt = fn->ntmp;
    132 	for (t=Tmp0; t<nt; t++) {
    133 		fn->tmp[t].visit = 0;
    134 		if (fn->tmp[t].phi != 0)
    135 			continue;
    136 		if (fn->tmp[t].ndef == 1) {
    137 			ok = 1;
    138 			defb = fn->tmp[t].bid;
    139 			use = fn->tmp[t].use;
    140 			for (n=fn->tmp[t].nuse; n--; use++)
    141 				ok &= use->bid == defb;
    142 			if (ok || defb == fn->start->id)
    143 				continue;
    144 		}
    145 		bszero(u);
    146 		k = -1;
    147 		bp = be;
    148 		for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) {
    149 			b->visit = 0;
    150 			r = R;
    151 			for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) {
    152 				if (!req(r, R)) {
    153 					if (req(i->arg[0], TMP(t)))
    154 						i->arg[0] = r;
    155 					if (req(i->arg[1], TMP(t)))
    156 						i->arg[1] = r;
    157 				}
    158 				if (req(i->to, TMP(t))) {
    159 					if (!bshas(b->out, t)) {
    160 						r = refindex(t, fn);
    161 						i->to = r;
    162 					} else {
    163 						if (!bshas(u, b->id)) {
    164 							bsset(u, b->id);
    165 							*--bp = b;
    166 						}
    167 						if (clsmerge(&k, i->cls))
    168 							die("invalid input");
    169 					}
    170 				}
    171 			}
    172 			if (!req(r, R) && req(b->jmp.arg, TMP(t)))
    173 				b->jmp.arg = r;
    174 		}
    175 		bscopy(defs, u);
    176 		while (bp != be) {
    177 			fn->tmp[t].visit = t;
    178 			b = *bp++;
    179 			bsclr(u, b->id);
    180 			for (n=0; n<b->nfron; n++) {
    181 				a = b->fron[n];
    182 				if (a->visit++ == 0)
    183 				if (bshas(a->in, t)) {
    184 					p = alloc(sizeof *p);
    185 					p->cls = k;
    186 					p->to = TMP(t);
    187 					p->link = a->phi;
    188 					p->arg = vnew(0, sizeof p->arg[0], PFn);
    189 					p->blk = vnew(0, sizeof p->blk[0], PFn);
    190 					a->phi = p;
    191 					if (!bshas(defs, a->id))
    192 					if (!bshas(u, a->id)) {
    193 						bsset(u, a->id);
    194 						*--bp = a;
    195 					}
    196 				}
    197 			}
    198 		}
    199 	}
    200 	free(blist);
    201 }
    203 typedef struct Name Name;
    204 struct Name {
    205 	Ref r;
    206 	Blk *b;
    207 	Name *up;
    208 };
    210 static Name *namel;
    212 static Name *
    213 nnew(Ref r, Blk *b, Name *up)
    214 {
    215 	Name *n;
    217 	if (namel) {
    218 		n = namel;
    219 		namel = n->up;
    220 	} else
    221 		/* could use alloc, here
    222 		 * but namel should be reset
    223 		 */
    224 		n = emalloc(sizeof *n);
    225 	n->r = r;
    226 	n->b = b;
    227 	n->up = up;
    228 	return n;
    229 }
    231 static void
    232 nfree(Name *n)
    233 {
    234 	n->up = namel;
    235 	namel = n;
    236 }
    238 static void
    239 rendef(Ref *r, Blk *b, Name **stk, Fn *fn)
    240 {
    241 	Ref r1;
    242 	int t;
    244 	t = r->val;
    245 	if (req(*r, R) || !fn->tmp[t].visit)
    246 		return;
    247 	r1 = refindex(t, fn);
    248 	fn->tmp[r1.val].visit = t;
    249 	stk[t] = nnew(r1, b, stk[t]);
    250 	*r = r1;
    251 }
    253 static Ref
    254 getstk(int t, Blk *b, Name **stk)
    255 {
    256 	Name *n, *n1;
    258 	n = stk[t];
    259 	while (n && !dom(n->b, b)) {
    260 		n1 = n;
    261 		n = n->up;
    262 		nfree(n1);
    263 	}
    264 	stk[t] = n;
    265 	if (!n) {
    266 		/* uh, oh, warn */
    267 		return UNDEF;
    268 	} else
    269 		return n->r;
    270 }
    272 static void
    273 renblk(Blk *b, Name **stk, Fn *fn)
    274 {
    275 	Phi *p;
    276 	Ins *i;
    277 	Blk *s, **ps, *succ[3];
    278 	int t, m;
    280 	for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link)
    281 		rendef(&p->to, b, stk, fn);
    282 	for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) {
    283 		for (m=0; m<2; m++) {
    284 			t = i->arg[m].val;
    285 			if (rtype(i->arg[m]) == RTmp)
    286 			if (fn->tmp[t].visit)
    287 				i->arg[m] = getstk(t, b, stk);
    288 		}
    289 		rendef(&i->to, b, stk, fn);
    290 	}
    291 	t = b->jmp.arg.val;
    292 	if (rtype(b->jmp.arg) == RTmp)
    293 	if (fn->tmp[t].visit)
    294 		b->jmp.arg = getstk(t, b, stk);
    295 	succ[0] = b->s1;
    296 	succ[1] = b->s2 == b->s1 ? 0 : b->s2;
    297 	succ[2] = 0;
    298 	for (ps=succ; (s=*ps); ps++)
    299 		for (p=s->phi; p; p=p->link) {
    300 			t = p->to.val;
    301 			if ((t=fn->tmp[t].visit)) {
    302 				m = p->narg++;
    303 				vgrow(&p->arg, p->narg);
    304 				vgrow(&p->blk, p->narg);
    305 				p->arg[m] = getstk(t, b, stk);
    306 				p->blk[m] = b;
    307 			}
    308 		}
    309 	for (s=b->dom; s; s=s->dlink)
    310 		renblk(s, stk, fn);
    311 }
    313 /* require rpo and use */
    314 void
    315 ssa(Fn *fn)
    316 {
    317 	Name **stk, *n;
    318 	int d, nt;
    319 	Blk *b, *b1;
    321 	nt = fn->ntmp;
    322 	stk = emalloc(nt * sizeof stk[0]);
    323 	d = debug['L'];
    324 	debug['L'] = 0;
    325 	filldom(fn);
    326 	if (debug['N']) {
    327 		fprintf(stderr, "\n> Dominators:\n");
    328 		for (b1=fn->start; b1; b1=b1->link) {
    329 			if (!b1->dom)
    330 				continue;
    331 			fprintf(stderr, "%10s:", b1->name);
    332 			for (b=b1->dom; b; b=b->dlink)
    333 				fprintf(stderr, " %s", b->name);
    334 			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    335 		}
    336 	}
    337 	fillfron(fn);
    338 	filllive(fn);
    339 	phiins(fn);
    340 	renblk(fn->start, stk, fn);
    341 	while (nt--)
    342 		while ((n=stk[nt])) {
    343 			stk[nt] = n->up;
    344 			nfree(n);
    345 		}
    346 	debug['L'] = d;
    347 	free(stk);
    348 	if (debug['N']) {
    349 		fprintf(stderr, "\n> After SSA construction:\n");
    350 		printfn(fn, stderr);
    351 	}
    352 }
    354 static int
    355 phicheck(Phi *p, Blk *b, Ref t)
    356 {
    357 	Blk *b1;
    358 	uint n;
    360 	for (n=0; n<p->narg; n++)
    361 		if (req(p->arg[n], t)) {
    362 			b1 = p->blk[n];
    363 			if (b1 != b && !sdom(b, b1))
    364 				return 1;
    365 		}
    366 	return 0;
    367 }
    369 /* require use and ssa */
    370 void
    371 ssacheck(Fn *fn)
    372 {
    373 	Tmp *t;
    374 	Ins *i;
    375 	Phi *p;
    376 	Use *u;
    377 	Blk *b, *bu;
    378 	Ref r;
    380 	for (t=&fn->tmp[Tmp0]; t-fn->tmp < fn->ntmp; t++) {
    381 		if (t->ndef > 1)
    382 			err("ssa temporary %%%s defined more than once",
    383 				t->name);
    384 		if (t->nuse > 0 && t->ndef == 0) {
    385 			bu = fn->rpo[t->use[0].bid];
    386 			goto Err;
    387 		}
    388 	}
    389 	for (b=fn->start; b; b=b->link) {
    390 		for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) {
    391 			r = p->to;
    392 			t = &fn->tmp[r.val];
    393 			for (u=t->use; u<&t->use[t->nuse]; u++) {
    394 				bu = fn->rpo[u->bid];
    395 				if (u->type == UPhi) {
    396 					if (phicheck(u->u.phi, b, r))
    397 						goto Err;
    398 				} else
    399 					if (bu != b && !sdom(b, bu))
    400 						goto Err;
    401 			}
    402 		}
    403 		for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; i++) {
    404 			if (rtype(i->to) != RTmp)
    405 				continue;
    406 			r = i->to;
    407 			t = &fn->tmp[r.val];
    408 			for (u=t->use; u<&t->use[t->nuse]; u++) {
    409 				bu = fn->rpo[u->bid];
    410 				if (u->type == UPhi) {
    411 					if (phicheck(u->u.phi, b, r))
    412 						goto Err;
    413 				} else {
    414 					if (bu == b) {
    415 						if (u->type == UIns)
    416 							if (u->u.ins <= i)
    417 								goto Err;
    418 					} else
    419 						if (!sdom(b, bu))
    420 							goto Err;
    421 				}
    422 			}
    423 		}
    424 	}
    425 	return;
    426 Err:
    427 	if (t->visit)
    428 		die("%%%s violates ssa invariant", t->name);
    429 	else
    430 		err("ssa temporary %%%s is used undefined in @%s",
    431 			t->name, bu->name);
    432 }