
Internal scc patchset buffer for QBE
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alias.c (4355B)

      1 #include "all.h"
      3 void
      4 getalias(Alias *a, Ref r, Fn *fn)
      5 {
      6 	Con *c;
      8 	switch (rtype(r)) {
      9 	default:
     10 		die("unreachable");
     11 	case RTmp:
     12 		*a = fn->tmp[r.val].alias;
     13 		if (astack(a->type))
     14 			a->type = a->slot->type;
     15 		assert(a->type != ABot);
     16 		break;
     17 	case RCon:
     18 		c = &fn->con[r.val];
     19 		if (c->type == CAddr) {
     20 			a->type = ASym;
     21 			a->u.sym = c->sym;
     22 		} else
     23 			a->type = ACon;
     24 		a->offset = c->bits.i;
     25 		a->slot = 0;
     26 		break;
     27 	}
     28 }
     30 int
     31 alias(Ref p, int op, int sp, Ref q, int sq, int *delta, Fn *fn)
     32 {
     33 	Alias ap, aq;
     34 	int ovlap;
     36 	getalias(&ap, p, fn);
     37 	getalias(&aq, q, fn);
     38 	ap.offset += op;
     39 	/* when delta is meaningful (ovlap == 1),
     40 	 * we do not overflow int because sp and
     41 	 * sq are bounded by 2^28 */
     42 	*delta = ap.offset - aq.offset;
     43 	ovlap = ap.offset < aq.offset + sq && aq.offset < ap.offset + sp;
     45 	if (astack(ap.type) && astack(aq.type)) {
     46 		/* if both are offsets of the same
     47 		 * stack slot, they alias iif they
     48 		 * overlap */
     49 		if (ap.base == aq.base && ovlap)
     50 			return MustAlias;
     51 		return NoAlias;
     52 	}
     54 	if (ap.type == ASym && aq.type == ASym) {
     55 		/* they conservatively alias if the
     56 		 * symbols are different, or they
     57 		 * alias for sure if they overlap */
     58 		if (!symeq(ap.u.sym, aq.u.sym))
     59 			return MayAlias;
     60 		if (ovlap)
     61 			return MustAlias;
     62 		return NoAlias;
     63 	}
     65 	if ((ap.type == ACon && aq.type == ACon)
     66 	|| (ap.type == aq.type && ap.base == aq.base)) {
     67 		assert(ap.type == ACon || ap.type == AUnk);
     68 		/* if they have the same base, we
     69 		 * can rely on the offsets only */
     70 		if (ovlap)
     71 			return MustAlias;
     72 		return NoAlias;
     73 	}
     75 	/* if one of the two is unknown
     76 	 * there may be aliasing unless
     77 	 * the other is provably local */
     78 	if (ap.type == AUnk && aq.type != ALoc)
     79 		return MayAlias;
     80 	if (aq.type == AUnk && ap.type != ALoc)
     81 		return MayAlias;
     83 	return NoAlias;
     84 }
     86 int
     87 escapes(Ref r, Fn *fn)
     88 {
     89 	Alias *a;
     91 	if (rtype(r) != RTmp)
     92 		return 1;
     93 	a = &fn->tmp[r.val].alias;
     94 	return !astack(a->type) || a->slot->type == AEsc;
     95 }
     97 static void
     98 esc(Ref r, Fn *fn)
     99 {
    100 	Alias *a;
    102 	assert(rtype(r) <= RType);
    103 	if (rtype(r) == RTmp) {
    104 		a = &fn->tmp[r.val].alias;
    105 		if (astack(a->type))
    106 			a->slot->type = AEsc;
    107 	}
    108 }
    110 static void
    111 store(Ref r, int sz, Fn *fn)
    112 {
    113 	Alias *a;
    114 	int64_t off;
    115 	bits m;
    117 	if (rtype(r) == RTmp) {
    118 		a = &fn->tmp[r.val].alias;
    119 		if (a->slot) {
    120 			assert(astack(a->type));
    121 			off = a->offset;
    122 			if (sz >= NBit
    123 			|| (off < 0 || off >= NBit))
    124 				m = -1;
    125 			else
    126 				m = (BIT(sz) - 1) << off;
    127 			a->slot->u.loc.m |= m;
    128 		}
    129 	}
    130 }
    132 void
    133 fillalias(Fn *fn)
    134 {
    135 	uint n, m;
    136 	int t, sz;
    137 	int64_t x;
    138 	Blk *b;
    139 	Phi *p;
    140 	Ins *i;
    141 	Con *c;
    142 	Alias *a, a0, a1;
    144 	for (t=0; t<fn->ntmp; t++)
    145 		fn->tmp[t].alias.type = ABot;
    146 	for (n=0; n<fn->nblk; ++n) {
    147 		b = fn->rpo[n];
    148 		for (p=b->phi; p; p=p->link) {
    149 			for (m=0; m<p->narg; m++)
    150 				esc(p->arg[m], fn);
    151 			assert(rtype(p->to) == RTmp);
    152 			a = &fn->tmp[p->to.val].alias;
    153 			assert(a->type == ABot);
    154 			a->type = AUnk;
    155 			a->base = p->to.val;
    156 			a->offset = 0;
    157 			a->slot = 0;
    158 		}
    159 		for (i=b->ins; i<&b->ins[b->nins]; ++i) {
    160 			a = 0;
    161 			if (!req(i->to, R)) {
    162 				assert(rtype(i->to) == RTmp);
    163 				a = &fn->tmp[i->to.val].alias;
    164 				assert(a->type == ABot);
    165 				if (Oalloc <= i->op && i->op <= Oalloc1) {
    166 					a->type = ALoc;
    167 					a->slot = a;
    168 					a->u.loc.sz = -1;
    169 					if (rtype(i->arg[0]) == RCon) {
    170 						c = &fn->con[i->arg[0].val];
    171 						x = c->bits.i;
    172 						if (c->type == CBits)
    173 						if (0 <= x && x <= NBit)
    174 							a->u.loc.sz = x;
    175 					}
    176 				} else {
    177 					a->type = AUnk;
    178 					a->slot = 0;
    179 				}
    180 				a->base = i->to.val;
    181 				a->offset = 0;
    182 			}
    183 			if (i->op == Ocopy) {
    184 				assert(a);
    185 				getalias(a, i->arg[0], fn);
    186 			}
    187 			if (i->op == Oadd) {
    188 				getalias(&a0, i->arg[0], fn);
    189 				getalias(&a1, i->arg[1], fn);
    190 				if (a0.type == ACon) {
    191 					*a = a1;
    192 					a->offset += a0.offset;
    193 				}
    194 				else if (a1.type == ACon) {
    195 					*a = a0;
    196 					a->offset += a1.offset;
    197 				}
    198 			}
    199 			if (req(i->to, R) || a->type == AUnk)
    200 			if (i->op != Oblit0) {
    201 				if (!isload(i->op))
    202 					esc(i->arg[0], fn);
    203 				if (!isstore(i->op))
    204 				if (i->op != Oargc)
    205 					esc(i->arg[1], fn);
    206 			}
    207 			if (i->op == Oblit0) {
    208 				++i;
    209 				assert(i->op == Oblit1);
    210 				assert(rtype(i->arg[0]) == RInt);
    211 				sz = abs(rsval(i->arg[0]));
    212 				store((i-1)->arg[1], sz, fn);
    213 			}
    214 			if (isstore(i->op))
    215 				store(i->arg[1], storesz(i), fn);
    216 		}
    217 		if (b->jmp.type != Jretc)
    218 			esc(b->jmp.arg, fn);
    219 	}
    220 }