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symbol.c (8242B)

      1 #include <assert.h>
      2 #include <limits.h>
      3 #include <stdio.h>
      4 #include <stdlib.h>
      5 #include <string.h>
      7 #include <scc/cstd.h>
      8 #include <scc/scc.h>
      9 #include "cc1.h"
     11 #define NR_SYM_HASH 64
     12 #define NR_CPP_HASH 32
     13 #define NR_LBL_HASH 16
     15 struct keyword {
     16 	char *str;
     17 	unsigned char token, value;
     18 };
     20 unsigned curctx;
     21 static unsigned short counterid;
     23 static Symbol *head, *labels;
     24 static Symbol *htab[NR_SYM_HASH];
     25 static Symbol *htabcpp[NR_CPP_HASH];
     26 static Symbol *htablbl[NR_LBL_HASH];
     28 #ifndef NDEBUG
     29 void
     30 dumpstab(Symbol **tbl, char *msg)
     31 {
     32 	Symbol **bp, *sym;
     33 	unsigned size;
     35 	fprintf(stderr, "Symbol Table dump at ctx=%u\n%s\n", curctx, msg);
     36 	if (tbl == htab)
     37 		size = NR_SYM_HASH;
     38 	else if (tbl == htabcpp)
     39 		size = NR_CPP_HASH;
     40 	else if (tbl == htablbl)
     41 		size = NR_LBL_HASH;
     42 	else
     43 		abort();
     45 	for (bp = tbl; bp < &tbl[size]; ++bp) {
     46 		if (*bp == NULL)
     47 			continue;
     48 		fprintf(stderr, "%d", (int) (bp - htab));
     49 		for (sym = *bp; sym; sym = sym->hash)
     50 			fprintf(stderr, "->[%d,%d:'%s'=%p]",
     51 			        sym->ns, sym->ctx, sym->name, (void *) sym);
     52 		putc('\n', stderr);
     53 	}
     54 	fputs("head:", stderr);
     55 	for (sym = head; sym; sym = sym->next) {
     56 		fprintf(stderr, "->[%d,%d:'%s'=%p]",
     57 		        sym->ns, sym->ctx,
     58 		        (sym->name) ? sym->name : "", (void *) sym);
     59 	}
     60 	fputs("\nlabels:", stderr);
     61 	for (sym = labels; sym; sym = sym->next) {
     62 		fprintf(stderr, "->[%d,%d:'%s'=%p]",
     63 		        sym->ns, sym->ctx,
     64 		        (sym->name) ? sym->name : "", (void *) sym);
     65 	}
     66 	putc('\n', stderr);
     67 }
     68 #endif
     70 static Symbol **
     71 hash(char *s, int ns)
     72 {
     73 	unsigned h, size;
     74 	Symbol **tab;
     76 	h = genhash(s);
     78 	switch (ns) {
     79 	case NS_CPP:
     80 		tab = htabcpp;
     81 		size = NR_CPP_HASH-1;
     82 		break;
     83 	case NS_LABEL:
     84 		tab = htablbl;
     85 		size = NR_LBL_HASH-1;
     86 		break;
     87 	default:
     88 		tab = htab;
     89 		size = NR_SYM_HASH-1;
     90 		break;
     91 	}
     92 	return &tab[h & size];
     93 }
     95 static void
     96 unlinkhash(Symbol *sym)
     97 {
     98 	Symbol **h;
    100 	if ((sym->flags & SDECLARED) == 0)
    101 		return;
    102 	h = hash(sym->name, sym->ns);
    103 	assert(sym->ns == NS_CPP || *h == sym);
    104 	while (*h != sym)
    105 		h = &(*h)->hash;
    106 	*h = sym->hash;
    107 }
    109 void
    110 pushctx(void)
    111 {
    112 	DBG("SYM: pushed context %d", curctx+1);
    113 	if (++curctx == NR_BLOCK+1)
    114 		error("too many nested blocks");
    115 }
    117 void
    118 killsym(Symbol *sym)
    119 {
    120 	short f;
    121 	char *name;
    123 	if (!sym)
    124 		return;
    125 	f = sym->flags;
    126 	if (f & SSTRING)
    127 		free(sym->u.s);
    128 	if (sym->ns == NS_TAG)
    129 		sym->type->prop &= ~TDEFINED;
    130 	unlinkhash(sym);
    131 	if ((name = sym->name) != NULL) {
    132 		switch (sym->ns) {
    133 		case NS_LABEL:
    134 			if ((f & SDEFINED) == 0)
    135 				errorp("label '%s' is not defined", name);
    136 		case NS_IDEN:
    137 			if ((f & (SUSED|SGLOBAL|SDECLARED)) == SDECLARED)
    138 				warn("'%s' defined but not used", name);
    139 			break;
    140 		}
    141 	}
    142 	free(name);
    143 	free(sym);
    144 }
    146 void
    147 popctx(void)
    148 {
    149 	Symbol *next, *sym;
    150 	int ns, dangling = 0;
    152 	DBG("SYM: popped context %d", curctx);
    153 	/*
    154 	 * we have to be careful before popping the current
    155 	 * context, because since the parser is one token
    156 	 * ahead it may already have read an identifier at
    157 	 * this point, and yylval.sym is a pointer to
    158 	 * the symbol associated to such token. If that
    159 	 * symbol is from the context that we are popping
    160 	 * then we are going to generate a dangling pointer.
    161 	 * We can detect this situation and call again to
    162 	 * lookup.
    163 	 */
    164 	if ((yytoken == IDEN || yytoken == TYPEIDEN) &&
    165 	    yylval.sym->ctx == curctx) {
    166 		ns = yylval.sym->ns;
    167 		dangling = 1;
    168 	}
    170 	for (sym = head; sym && sym->ctx == curctx; sym = next) {
    171 		/*
    172 		 * Since we are unlinking them in the inverse order
    173 		 * we do know that sym is always the head of the
    174 		 * collision list
    175 		 */
    176 		next = sym->next;
    177 		killsym(sym);
    178 	}
    179 	head = sym;
    181 	if (--curctx == GLOBALCTX) {
    182 		for (sym = labels; sym; sym = next) {
    183 			next = sym->next;
    184 			killsym(sym);
    185 		}
    186 		labels = NULL;
    187 	}
    189 	if (dangling) {
    190 		yylval.sym = lookup(ns, yytext, ALLOC);
    191 		yytoken = yylval.sym->token;
    192 	}
    193 }
    195 unsigned
    196 newid(void)
    197 {
    198 	unsigned short id;
    200 	if (lexmode == CPPMODE)
    201 		return 0;
    202 	id = ++counterid;
    203 	if (id == 0) {
    204 		die("cc1: overflow in %s identifiers",
    205 		    (curctx) ? "internal" : "external");
    206 	}
    207 	return id;
    208 }
    210 Symbol *
    211 newsym(int ns, char *name)
    212 {
    213 	Symbol *sym;
    215 	sym = xmalloc(sizeof(*sym));
    216 	if (name)
    217 		name = xstrdup(name);
    218 	sym->name = name;
    219 	sym->id = 0;
    220 	sym->hide = 0;
    221 	sym->ns = ns;
    222 	sym->ctx = curctx;
    223 	sym->token = IDEN;
    224 	sym->flags = 0;
    225 	sym->u.s = NULL;
    226 	sym->type = NULL;
    227 	sym->hash = NULL;
    229 	if (ns == NS_LABEL) {
    230 		sym->next = labels;
    231 		labels = sym;
    232 	} else if (ns != NS_CPP) {
    233 		sym->next = head;
    234 		head = sym;
    235 	}
    236 	return sym;
    237 }
    239 static Symbol *
    240 linkhash(Symbol *sym)
    241 {
    242 	Symbol **h;
    244 	h = hash(sym->name, sym->ns);
    245 	sym->hash = *h;
    246 	*h = sym;
    248 	if (sym->ns != NS_CPP)
    249 		sym->id = newid();
    250 	sym->flags |= SDECLARED;
    251 	return sym;
    252 }
    254 Symbol *
    255 newstring(char *s, size_t len)
    256 {
    257 	Symbol *sym = newsym(NS_IDEN, NULL);
    259 	if (lexmode != CPPMODE)
    260 		sym->type = mktype(chartype, ARY, len, NULL);
    261 	sym->id = newid();
    262 	sym->flags |= SSTRING | SCONSTANT | SPRIVATE;
    263 	sym->u.s = xmalloc(len);
    264 	if (s)
    265 		memcpy(sym->u.s, s, len);
    267 	return sym;
    268 }
    270 Symbol *
    271 newlabel(void)
    272 {
    273 	Symbol *sym = newsym(NS_LABEL, NULL);
    274 	sym->id = newid();
    275 	return sym;
    276 }
    278 Symbol *
    279 lookup(int ns, char *name, int alloc)
    280 {
    281 	Symbol *sym;
    282 	int sns, c;
    283 	char *t;
    285 	c = *name;
    286 	for (sym = *hash(name, ns); sym; sym = sym->hash) {
    287 		t = sym->name;
    288 		if (*t != c || strcmp(t, name))
    289 			continue;
    290 		sns = sym->ns;
    291 		if (sns == ns)
    292 			return sym;
    293 		/*
    294 		 * When a lookup is done in a namespace associated
    295 		 * to a struct we also want symbols of NS_IDEN which
    296 		 * are typedef, because in other case we cannot declare
    297 		 * fields of such types.
    298 		 * TODO: Remove this trick
    299 		 */
    300 		if (sns == NS_KEYWORD ||
    301 		    (sym->flags & STYPEDEF) && ns >= NS_STRUCTS) {
    302 			return sym;
    303 		}
    304 	}
    305 	return (alloc == ALLOC) ? newsym(ns, name) : NULL;
    306 }
    308 Symbol *
    309 install(int ns, Symbol *sym)
    310 {
    311 	if (sym->flags & SDECLARED || sym->ctx != curctx) {
    312 		if (sym->ctx == curctx && ns == sym->ns)
    313 			return NULL;
    314 		sym = newsym(ns, sym->name);
    315 	}
    316 	return linkhash(sym);
    317 }
    319 void
    320 keywords(struct keyword *key, int ns)
    321 {
    322 	Symbol *sym;
    324 	for ( ; key->str; ++key) {
    325 		sym = linkhash(newsym(ns, key->str));
    326 		sym->token = key->token;
    327 		sym->u.token = key->value;
    328 	}
    329 }
    331 void
    332 builtins(struct builtin *built)
    333 {
    334 	Symbol *sym;
    335 	struct builtin *bp;
    337 	for (bp = built; bp->str; ++bp) {
    338 		sym = linkhash(newsym(NS_KEYWORD, bp->str));
    339 		sym->token = BUILTIN;
    340 		sym-> = bp->fun;
    341 	}
    342 }
    344 void
    345 isyms(void)
    346 {
    347 	static struct keyword cppoper[] = {
    348 		{"defined", DEFINED, DEFINED},
    349 		{NULL, 0, 0}
    350 	};
    351 	static struct keyword cppkeys[] = {
    352 		{"define", DEFINE, DEFINE},
    353 		{"include", INCLUDE, INCLUDE},
    354 		{"line", LINE, LINE},
    355 		{"ifdef", IFDEF, IFDEF},
    356 		{"if", IF, IF},
    357 		{"elif", ELIF, ELIF},
    358 		{"else", ELSE, ELSE},
    359 		{"ifndef", IFNDEF, IFNDEF},
    360 		{"endif", ENDIF, ENDIF},
    361 		{"undef", UNDEF, UNDEF},
    362 		{"pragma", PRAGMA, PRAGMA},
    363 		{"error", ERROR, ERROR},
    364 		{NULL, 0, 0}
    365 	};
    366 	static struct keyword lexkeys[] = {
    367 		{"auto", SCLASS, AUTO},
    368 		{"break", BREAK, BREAK},
    369 		{"_Bool", TYPE, BOOL},
    370 		{"__builtin_va_list", TYPE, VA_LIST},
    371 		{"case", CASE, CASE},
    372 		{"char", TYPE, CHAR},
    373 		{"const", TQUALIFIER, CONST},
    374 		{"continue", CONTINUE, CONTINUE},
    375 		{"default", DEFAULT, DEFAULT},
    376 		{"do", DO, DO},
    377 		{"double", TYPE, DOUBLE},
    378 		{"else", ELSE, ELSE},
    379 		{"enum", TYPE, ENUM},
    380 		{"extern", SCLASS, EXTERN},
    381 		{"float", TYPE, FLOAT},
    382 		{"for", FOR, FOR},
    383 		{"goto", GOTO, GOTO},
    384 		{"if", IF, IF},
    385 		{"inline", TQUALIFIER, INLINE},
    386 		{"int", TYPE, INT},
    387 		{"long", TYPE, LONG},
    388 		{"register", SCLASS, REGISTER},
    389 		{"restrict", TQUALIFIER, RESTRICT},
    390 		{"return", RETURN, RETURN},
    391 		{"short", TYPE, SHORT},
    392 		{"signed", TYPE, SIGNED},
    393 		{"sizeof", SIZEOF, SIZEOF},
    394 		{"static", SCLASS, STATIC},
    395 		{"struct", TYPE, STRUCT},
    396 		{"switch", SWITCH, SWITCH},
    397 		{"typedef", SCLASS, TYPEDEF},
    398 		{"union", TYPE, UNION},
    399 		{"unsigned", TYPE, UNSIGNED},
    400 		{"void", TYPE, VOID},
    401 		{"volatile", TQUALIFIER, VOLATILE},
    402 		{"while", WHILE, WHILE},
    403 		{NULL, 0, 0},
    404 	};
    406 	keywords(lexkeys, NS_KEYWORD);
    407 	keywords(cppkeys, NS_CPPCLAUSES);
    408 	keywords(cppoper, NS_CPP);
    409 	ibuilts();
    411 	/*
    412 	 * Remove all the predefined symbols from * the symbol list. It
    413 	 * will make faster some operations. There is no problem of memory
    414 	 * leakeage because this memory is not ever freed
    415 	 */
    416 	counterid = 0;
    417 	head = NULL;
    418 }